Maevonia Alexander, B.A., Teacher

Jan 12, 20211 min

Take A Minute!

PSALM 66:1,2

"Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all ye lands. Sing forth the honor of His name, make His praise glorious!

Say unto the Lord, "How Awesome! are Your works Lord! through Your great power all Your enemies will submit themselves to You!"

Have you ever just stopped in the middle of "life" and said "God I just want to thank You! Not begging God for anything - but intentionally taking a minute to say "Thank You Lord!"

I know the current state of our nation is looking like something out of a horror movie, but God is still in control! and He knew exactly what was and is going to happen. So we lift up our eyes to Him and say "Thank You Lord", Thank You Lord because You have EVERYTHING under control, we will not accept the lies of the enemy that's whispering in our ears "things are out of control!, we cast those thoughts down!! - God has not lost control - man does not control this world - the Lord does.

This earth is the Lords, and all of us in it!! Does that mean we ignore what is going on - empathically no! It just means we that we trust our God to take care of us in the middle of it all! So lift your head, your heart and your hands toward the God of heaven and give Him glory and thanks for all He has done - for our God rule and reigns in this earth!!

1 Thessalonians 5:18 - In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
