Discovering You is a Training Center, known as a safe place to help you uncover what God has placed in you. We are an official “Starting Point” for equipping you in your calling and gifting.
Our Training Center specializes in foundational biblical principles that are invaluable in building who you are in Christ - these principles can also be applied in business and your personal life as well.
Prov. 24: 3-4 By wisdom a house is built and by understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with every precious and beautiful treasure.
Our training classes will give you understanding of what God has placed in you and why – and through godly wisdom you will be taught, what to do with what you have.
Every successful business & ministry, all must have a “Starting Point" - even Jesus our Greatest and perfect example – had a “Starting Point“.
This is what Discovering You Training Center is all about – a “Starting Point“. We specialize in building a solid foundation of who you are for the Kingdom of God. This includes but not limited to: Gifts and callings, mentoring, coaching , entrepreneurship, training & development & education.
You have found the right place, at the right time – join us for our next training class!